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"You have to be creative in order...

… to survive in an environment like the Arctic.”

Artist Manasie Akpaliapik’s words to filmaker Shelby Lisk ring true. If images of the cold tundra don’t convince you, look at the wide variety of artistic voices and styles of the region’s artists. They seem to be able to make stone, and paper and ink, dance with life. 


"You have to be creative in order...

… to survive in an environment like the Arctic.”

Artist Manasie Akpaliapik’s words to filmaker Shelby Lisk ring true. If images of the cold tundra doesn’t convince you, look at the wide variety of artistic voices and styles of the region’s artists. They seem to be able to make stone, and paper and ink, dance with life. 

Few thoughts on which artists began to catch your eye and how it felt to begin to recognize their styles….


"You have to be creative in order...

… to survive in an environment like the Arctic.”

Artist Manasie Akpaliapik’s words to filmaker Shelby Lisk ring true. If images of the cold tundra doesn’t convince you, look at the wide variety of artistic voices and styles of the region’s artists. They seem to be able to make stone, and paper and ink, dance with life. 

Few thoughts on which artists began to catch your eye and how it felt to begin to recognize their styles….

On Display Now

On Display Now

la sa laEtidlooie ItuluNancy Pukingnak 
Abraham POVJohn IvalutanarHarold Qarliksaq
Johnny Aculiak Mattiusi IyaitukGideon Qauqjuaq 
Jacobie AdamieNutaraluk IyaitukAlbert Qayuntunak 
Ananaisie AhkatultukHappy JackLukta Qiatsuq
Peter AiroJoanasie Jack Palaya Qiatsuq
Luke AirutJoe JawLukta Qiatsuq 
AkeeaktashukKingwatsiak JawPalaya Qiatsuq 
Latcholassie AkesukPootoogook Jaw Kelly Qimirpik
Manasie AkpaliapikLucien KabvitokPitseolak Qimirpik 
Isaac AlaycoSaila KapanekMiriam Marealik Qiyuk
AmidlakJohn KavikLucy Quinnuayuak
Davidialuk Alasua AmittuSilas KayakjuakDavid Ruben
Augustin AnaittuqMathew KellipalikTowatuga Sagouk
Abraham AnghikMeelia KellyPauta Saila
Noah Annanack A KillikteePitaloosie Saila
Norman Annanack Shorty KillikteeEli Sallualu
Sandy Lucas Annanack Jimmy Kilubuk Saqpinaq (female)
AnonymousAbe KingmeataCecil Seppilu
Luke Anowtalik Aaron KleistPeter Sevoga
Mary Ayak Akjar Anowtalik Cecilie KleistTommy Sevoga
Matthew Aqigaaq Karl Egege KristensenAqjangajuk Shaa 
George ArlukThomassie KudlukNapachie Sharky
Barnabus ArnasungaaqHans KuitseToonoo Sharky 
David Arnasungaaq Vital MakpaaqIsah Sheeg
Arnaqu AshevakAndy Mamgark Mary Singaqti
Karoo AshevakPea Michael Nick Sikkuark
Kenojuak AshevakAndy MikiKudlo Silassie
AshevakQualnaq MikigakSusie Silook
Kaka AshoonaBryce MiklihootiSimu
Kiawak AshoonaHenry NapartukCharlie Sivuarapik 
Ningeosioh AshoonaBill NasogaluakIsa Agiattusuk Smiler
Ohito Ashoona Mattusi NaulitakNorman Snowball
John AttokPitseolak NiviaksiJoseph Suqslaq 
Simionie Aupaluktak George NoahNelson Takkiruq 
Moses AupaluktookJosiah NuilaalukJoe Talirunili
Ada AyatokElizabeth Nutaraluk Eva Taluki
Camp of Akeeaktashuk Maudie Ohituk Luke Taqqaugaq
Jonas BajoreGeorge OkheenaBobby Tarqkirk
Peggy EkaginaOkvikLucy Tasseor
Joe Ekidlak Okvik-likeGeorge Tataniq
EnnutsiakOld Bering Sea III CultureNingeokulu Teevee
Luke Equalla Sheokjuk Oqutaq Nalenik Temela
Isaaci EtidlooieOmaluk OshoochiakThule Culture
Abraham EtungatJulia Paneak John Tiktak
Abraham Etungat John PangnarkSimon Tookoomee 
Henry EvaluardjukDavid Panipak Paul Toolooktook
Jonasie Faber Pavinak PetaulassieSamonie Toonoo
Dennis James GambellAggeak PetaulassieAgnes Topiak
Rex GoosePeter EyeetsiakTudlik
Joy HallukVern PhillipsTujeatsiak
Lilly HankOopik PitseolakMark Tungilik
James HoustonPeter Pitseolak Oviloo Tunnillie 
Tuteeya IkkidluakKananginak PootoogookQavaroak Tunnillie
Iola Ikkidluak Moe PootoogookTupilak 
Luke IksiktaaryukPaulassie PootoogookCharlie Ugyuk
Johnny Inukpuk Pudlat PootoogookJudas Ullulaq
Osuitok IpeeleeCee Pootoogook Unidentified
Toona IquliqRalph Porter
Jacob Irkok Pudlo Pudlat
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